UPBOCW 2021 UP Government Scheme: Under the leadership of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has launched new portal for shramik labourers. This scheme works under the guidance of Uttar Pradesh Labor Registration Scheme. Main aim behind launch of new portal is to provide multiple government services and schemes directly to the users.
There will be no middleman between labourers of the state and government. All the candidates are required to register first before taking benefit of this portal. You can start the registration process by going to www.upbocw.in. All the registered laborers who are eligible for the scheme will receive shramik card. Tho who are earning very low amount on monthly basis in the state and are laborer will get shramik panjiyan card. To learn more about the eligibility, process, registration process and benefits of UBBOCW UP Scheme check complete article.
UPBOCW – Overview
UP Government aims to provide various services which will strengthen the financial status of the laborers in the state. On the portal you will get all the details and updates regarding working class only. In their roadmap it has been decided to lure as many people as possible for the registration so that they will get shramik card by the government.
After registration applicants will get some amount in their bank account as financial support. We appreciate this step of government as it will surely empower the labourer and motivate them fin future.
So do register yourself on the UPBOCW Portal and take benefits of government schemes. UP Shram Vibhag will support the government and do all the ground work.
Benefits of UPBOCW UP Shramik Card
In this section we have covered all the benefits which labourers of the state will get through UP Shramik Card. Below we have made full list of the benefits.
- Through UPBOCW Portal state labourers can register themselves for shramik card so that they will get all the benefits directlly
- Registered citizens on the portal will be eligible to receive some monetary support to support them financially
- If registered citizen have two girls then they will get Rs. 55,000 for each girl’s marriage which comes under kanya vivah yojana
- Those students who have completed BA course will get Rs. 13,000 to Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 17,000
- If girl is born then they will get Rs. 12,000 anf if boy is born then they will get Rs. 10,000 under मातृत्व हितलाभ योजना
- Under aavas yojana they will get Rs. 1 Lakh to build their house
- For more such upcoming schemes one should have UP Labour Card otherwise they won’t get the benefits which will a big disappointment for them
Eligibility Criteria of UP Shramik Card
It’s very important to know the eligibility criteria of UP Shramik Card. It’s useless to get any amount of knowledge if the person is not eligible for it. Read below all the requiremnets which one should met before applying for Uttar Pradesh Majdoori Card.
- The person who is applying for it on UPBOCW Website should have age of at least 18 year or older
- Applicant should have done the labour work for minimum 90 days in a year
- Only main candidate of family will be eligible for this card
- Candidate shouldn’t have taken benefit of any other government scheme
- One should have aadhar card, passbook and other documents with him
Eligibility for UPBOCW Scheme
Only limited people can apply for shramik card and do registration for it. Go to the below table to check eligibility list.
क्र संख्या | लाभार्थी श्रमिक | क्र संख्या | लाभार्थी श्रमिक |
1 | छप्पर छानेवाले | 11 | बिल्डिंग का कार्य करने वाले |
2 | राजमिस्त्री | 12 | लेखाकार का काम करने वाले |
3 | इलेक्ट्रिक वाले | 13 | बांध प्रबंधक ,भवन निर्माण के अधीन कार्य करने वाले |
4 | चट्टान तोड़ने वाले | 14 | खिड़की ग्रिल एवं दरवाज़ों की गढ़ाई और स्थापना करने वाले |
5 | पत्थर तोड़ने वाले | 15 | सीमेंट ,पत्तर ढोने का काम करने वाले |
6 | प्लम्बर | 16 | चुना बनाने का काम करने वाले |
7 | निर्माण स्थल पर चौकीदारी करने वाले | 17 | कुआ खोदने वाले |
8 | हतोड़ा चलानेवाले | 18 | लोहार |
9 | मोजेक पोलिश | 19 | पुताई करने वाले |
10 | सड़क निर्माण करने वाले | 20 | कारपेंटर का कार्य करने वाले |
UP Shram Vibhag Statistics
Total registered labour | 97.20 lakh |
Registered labour in 2021-22 | 0.33 lakh |
Total renewed labour | 66.27 lakh |
Total renewed labour in 2021-22 | 1.31 lakh |
Total verified scheme in 2020-21 | 31.55 lakh |
Total transfer amount in 2020-21 | 483.21 lakh |
UPBOCW Portal Schemes
There are various facilities which UP Government is going to provide the labour class through UPBOCW Portal. This portal will bring transparency and instant connect to the citizens. Through this portal they will get all timely updates and status of their application online. We have made a list of services which are available as of now on the portal.
- सोर ऊर्जा सहायता योजना
- मेधावी छात्र पुरुस्कार योजना
- चिकित्सा सुविधा योजना
- शिशु हितलाभ योजना
- कौशल विकास तकनीकी योजना
- निर्माण कामगार बालिका मदद योजना
- निर्माण कामगार मृत्यु एवं विकलांगता सहायता योजना
- आवासीय विद्यालय योजना
- निर्माण श्रमिक भोजन सहायता योजना
- गंभीर बीमारी सहायता योजना
- अक्षमता पेंशन योजना
- मातृत्व हितलाभ योजना
- कन्या विवाह योजना
- संत रविदास शिक्षा सहायता योजना
- आवास सहायता योजना
- पेंशन सहायता योजना
- निर्माण कामगार अन्ते यष्टि योजना
upbocw.in UP Shramik Registration Required Documents
Before doing registration for the UP Shramik Card scheme make sure that you have all the important documents with you. We have compiled a list of documents which citizen should have.
- आधार कार्ड
- राशन कार्ड
- मतदाता पहचान पत्र
- भामाशाह कार्ड
- वोटर आईडी कार्ड
- बैंक पासबुक
- पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो
Online Registration of UP Shramik
To learn how to do registration for UP Shramik online go through this section as we have covered it in detail. To get benefits of the scheme and to get UP Shramik Card it’s must that you should have registered for it. You can do registration through two methods, one is online and other one is offline.
We have discussed about both the process here. Please note that if you wish to do registration offline the first you have to go to shram office of your area. You yourself can do the registration by going to www.upbocw.in or csc centres can do the work for you.
- First of all go to official website of Uttar Pradesh Shramik Online Registration which is www.upbocw.in
- Do scroll little bit and click on श्रमिक पंजीयन का आवेदन Apply Button
- Now new page will appear on the screen through which you will get the application form
- Now fill all the details as asked in it
- Enter you name, address, area code, Aadhaar or voter card number, email and mobile
- After completing the form do review all the details
- Now click on Apply Now button present at bottom
- Now department will send OTP to through SMS on your entered mobile number
- Do enter the OTP and click on Submit button
- Now Shramik Application Form will be displayed on screen
- Fill the form very carefully and submit all the details
- Do upload required documents as asked by department and upload them
- On next page you have to make the payment
- Using digital instruments make payment and click on submit button
- Take print of confirmation page for future usage
Check Shramik Card Registration Status
- In your browser go to UPBOCW website to check your registration status
- Now on the website scroll little bit and at top move pointer to Shramik link
- In श्रमिक section you will get पंजीयन की स्थिति Link
- Just click on it. Now new page will appear
- Do select any one – पंजीयन संख्या or आवेदन संख्या
- All you have to do is just enter registration number, mobile number and click on Search
- Now you will get complete details about the status of your application
Download UP Shramik Certificate
- To download Labourer Certificate go to Uttar Pradesh Shramik Portal
- Now hover your mouse pointer towards श्रमिक Section present at top
- Now श्रमिक सर्टिफिकेट link will pop up, just click on it
- Now you are asked to enter Aadhar Card Number and Registration No.
- Now click on green colored search button
- Now you can view your UP Shramik Certificate
- Do download it and take few prints of the certificate