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Samagra ID Portal – Search SSSM ID by Name

Under Samagra ID, Madhya Pradesh government aims to get all the data and information about citizens to fight against corruption. All the data will be saved on servers which, in other words you can call it cloud. If all the people register themselves for the SSSM ID then it will be easy for state head to provide various kinds of benefits to the needy.

Samagra ID
Samagra ID

Samagra ID

If you don’t know how to Search SSSM ID by Name then don’t worry at all as you will learn everything in detail here. Official link of Samagra ID website is http://samagra.gov.in where you can get all the documents and government services. Best part is that for your ease we have published screenshots too. Currently it’s very tough to spot the genuine people who requires assistance as many people follows bad practices. But now Samagra ID is promising for a change.

Now we have to see how much change it will really bring to the ground level. Some people accept whereas some won’t but we can’t deny that corruption is still very high and condition is very bad in rural areas.

It’s the need of time to introduce more and more such schemes which help in curbing malpractices like tax evasion and bribe. It would be a matter of proud if all the benefits will go right to the door of needy and not to the fraudsters.

State government can also work effectively because there is only one window through which various benefits will be given to the poor in form of sarkari schemes. Time of common people will be saved and they need not to do all that tiresome paper work as everything will be available on internet. We recommend you to apply for SSSM ID as soon as possible because there are many benefits attached to it. One of them is, using SSSM ID you can easily apply for BPL Card i.e. Below Poverty line ration card.

Samagra ID is mostly required to make a BPL card, if the person has an SSSM ID, then he can apply for a BPL card as well. This scheme will bring sigh of relief to many face as need to register for various schemes will end as everything will be available at single roof.

Those who are from Madhya Pradesh state can apply for Samagra ID. Complete process will be provided here. If you are from other states then don’t be sad and keep an eye on upcoming scheme in your state.

Before moving to Samagra ID Registration process be ready with any of the document which will verify that you are from Madhya Pradesh state. Incase you haven’t one then please go out and make one because without it you won’t be allowed for SSSM ID at any cost.

Search SSSM ID by Name

In this section you will learn how to check if someone is registered for SSSM ID or not. Incase if you want detailed information about someone like Parviar ID Number, Person ID Code, Person Name, Father name, Name of Head and few other details. Do follow all the steps given below to learn how to search Samagra ID by Name.

  • First you have to go to Samagra ID Portal
  • Now scroll down and look for समग्र आईडी जाने section
  • In that section six links will be there
Search SSSM ID
  • Then select local body from list and type first name in box
  • Once you have done all this, move forward and select gram panchayat
  • Then it will show some ward number, select it
  • In the end pass image captcha by entering numbers as given in image
  • You will get complete list of people from that name on the basis of details which are given by you
  • In the list you can easily check if your known has Samagra ID or not

So that’s how one can search SSSM ID by Name. It looks complex as so many steps are there but believe me it’s piece of cake once you start following each step carefully. For your ease we have uploaded image, refer to it. Still you have any question or query then drop a comment below for our team at Sarkari Result.

Search Samagra ID by Mobile Number

By now you must have learned how to search samagra ID by name. What someone only have mobile number and don’t know the name? Is it possible to check Samagra ID by Mobile Number? Yes, you can do that very easily.

Samagra ID by Mobile
  • Check Samagra ID by Mobile Page will load in your browser
  • Enter mobile number which is registered on Samagra ID Portal
  • Select his age group from the list
  • After that write first two letters of Name of Person
  • Now bypass image captcha and click on View button
  • If details given by you are accurate then details will be printed on screen
  • If details given are incorrect or person is not registered then website will show some error

Samagra ID Portal Benefits

  • If you are the one who comes below poverty line then you must have to apply for Samagra ID. It will help you in getting BPL Card easily.
  • If you don’t have samagra ID card then you can’t apply for bpl ration card. We all know the value of ration card for common man.
  • Once you get SSSM ID then complete access of samagra portal will be on your fingertips. You can do lot of stuff on the portaln and have access to all features.
  • In coming time you will see next level transparency which will bridge the gap between citizen and government. Apart from that it will also help in eradicating corruption from sarkari system
  • For fraudsters it will be next to impossible to game the system accoordingly as everything is online and paying bribery and other stuffs won’t work
  • As per the reports in some schools students were asked to show samagra ID for admission process.
  • In various cases we have seen that while registering for governement jobs the agency asks for SSSM ID. This shows how enormous value it holds and it’s acceptancy.
  • Requirement for doing registrations on various government portals will end now as all information will be published on Samagra ID

Types of Samagra ID

Family Samagra ID: This type of ID is made only for families. It contains 8 digit number. If the number are more or less then it’s not Family ID.

Person Samagra ID: This is given to the individual and not to family. It contains 9 digits. To get this ID do register yourself as individual of family

If you are from madhya pradesh then adjust some time from daily routine and apply for SSSM ID. No matter if you are pensioner or need financial support for any stuff, if you are destitute then Samagra will surely help out. You will be in the eyes of government after registration as you have given your financial status to madhya pradesh government. It will be easy for high command to manage and regulate various schemes for needy citizens.

Thanks to internet that awareness of such schemes are increasing day by day that is resulting into lot of registrations from families.

Those who don’t have applied have lot of time and can follow our guide of SSSM ID Registration. Digital literacy is reaching new peaks each day but it’s not wrong to say that in country like india still many don’t have access to internet. Such people can apply offline by going to nearest centre.

Document Required for SSSM ID

For verification purpose some documents are required to apply for SSSM ID. You must be native of madhya pradesh state and must have document to prove it. Other state people living in MP State are not eligible for Samagra ID. You can refer to complete list given below for all the required documents.

  • Aadhar Card
  • 10th Class Certificate
  • PAN Card (if have)
  • Driving License
  • Disability Certificate (if have)
  • Voter ID Card
  • Ration Card 
  • Official introduction letter
  • Identity card issued by public sector unit

You have to provide active mobile number while applying on Samagra ID Portal so that importal details will be sent to you directly.

Government is spending hell lot of money to increase the reach of Samagra ID Portal. Multiple camps are organised in the markets and crowded areas.

Some people have also reported that there door to door campaign in many parts of MP. Staff will ask some basic questios and demand for documents to get you registered on the portal. Which means all the work will be done by them right at your door.

Apply on Samagra ID Portal

If you have plenty of time then please don’t wait for camp or door service. As we don’t know when it’ll happen in your area. Best practice is to apply on samagra ID Portal as soon as possible for SSSM ID. In this section you will learn about how to register on samagra portal. Do follow all the steps given below.

How to Register on Samagra ID Portal

  • First of all in your browser go to Samagra gov in
  • Now on on homepage scroll down a little bit
  • Below you will get to see three section of citizen services
  • There look at समग्र में परिवार/ सदस्य पंजीकृत करें
  • Under समग्र में परिवार/ सदस्य पंजीकृत करें click on second option which is परिवार को पंजीकृत करें
Register on Samagra Portal
  • This is for those where whole family is not registered
  • Incase if one or more members are already registered then click on सदस्य पंजीकृत करें
  • Now you will be taken to registration page where a form will appear
  • First fill Address related details
  • There choose district, colony, area and Religion
  • After that fill Detail of Family Head
  • Enter head name, date off birth, gender and marital status
  • In the end upload your document by entering document title, document type and so on
  • Now use add family member button to add members of family
  • Once form is completely filled do review it and check all the entries
  • After that click on Register Application button given at bottom of form

Congratulations, you have successfully applied on Samagra ID Online. Now within few days your Samagra ID will be delivered to you via courier. That’s how anyone can apply for Samagra ID Online. You can jump over to next section if you have little to no knowledge about technical stuffs.

Apply for Samagra ID Offline

Those who don’t know much about digital world can follow this section. If you want to apply for samagra ID then you have other option of applying offline. To do that you have to go to Janpad Panchayat Office / District Panchayat office.

The staff available there at office will do the work for you and fill registration form online. After filling details further details and process will be provided by office staff. We recommend you to take their mobile number so that you will be in touch incase any issue occurs.

Download & Print Samagra ID

It’s always a good idea to be on safer side by taking print or download copy of important documents. You never know when something wrong happen. In this section we will tell you how easily anyone can tke print or download samagra ID. Best part is that you can do this via mobile also.

How to Download Samagra ID

Print Samagra ID
  • Now you will be redirected to print Samagra Page
  • There enter your Samagra ID and image captcha
  • After that click on View button
  • Now you can download it or take print of it
  • If you don’t know how to take print then go to nearest cyber cafe

Download & Print Samagra BPL Card

  • First go to samagra official website. Link is given already in above part of the article
  • Scroll down the Samagra ID Portal and go to समग्र नागरिक सेवा
  • There you will get to see some five or six links
  • You just have to click on समग्र बीपीएल कार्ड प्रिंट करें which is available at the end
  • Now Samagra BPL ID Print page will popup on screen
  • Do enter all the details asked and pass image captcha
  • Click on view button and then samagra bpl ID will be displayed
  • Now take print of it or download it in mobile device or laptop

Also Read:

How to Login on Samgra ID Portal

This section is only for those who have registered themselves on Samagra Portal. Incase if you haven’t then please jump to the registration section. Registered users are now looking to do login on portal and they can do that by following below given steps.

  • First go to Samagra gov in website which is official portal
  • Now look at the extreme top of the page
  • There you can see Login button
  • Click on Login and now small form will appear
Login on Samgra
  • There enter name of user and password
  • Enter whatever is written in image and click on Login button
  • If entered correct details Samagra ID will be opened and you can access all the services available on portal

Don’t forget to logout when your work is completed. Your Samagra ID will be locked if you are not logging out. Try to change your password on monthly basis as safety measures. It will surely protect you from hacking attempts and DDOS Attacks. Only keep strong passwords which contain special characters, upper case and lower case letter with a numeric value. Avoid easy passwords like 123456, superman, mylove and so on.

Check Details of Samagra Family & Member

Are you looking for a ways to check details of complete family on samagra portal? If yes the this section will surely help you alot. Do follow all the steps given below to know about details of each family member and individual.

  • Enter Samagra ID on portal and bypass image captcha
  • Now if you want to get information about individual click on first button
  • If you are looking for complete information about family then click on second button
  • Last option is for those who are looking for information about individual of a family

Important Links on Samagra ID

  1. समग्र परिवार एवं सदस्य आई डी जानें
  2. सदस्य आईडी से जानकारी देखें
  3. परिवार आईडी से
  4. परिवार सदस्य आईडी से
  5. मोबाइल नंबर से
  6. सदस्य आईडी से जानकारी देखें
  7. e-KYC के माध्यम से नए सदस्य को पंजीकृत करें
  8. परिवार को पंजीकृत करें
  9. सदस्य पंजीकृत करें
  10. आधार e-KYC करें
  11. समग्र कार्ड प्रिंट करे
  12. समग्र सदस्य कार्ड प्रिंट करे

Contact Details

Name :- Nand Kumaran
Mission Director
(Directorate of Social Justice)

  1.  mdcmsssm@gmail.com
  2.  पता : समग्र सामाजिक सुरक्षा मिशन, तुलसी टावर, तुलसी नगर , भोपाल (मध्यप्रदेश)
  3.  फोन :- 0755- 2558391

If you are having any trouble or samagra portal is not working properly then do contact o above given numbers. If you want to meet physically then go to the above address of bhopal. There is one more way to contact Samagra ID Officials by dropping a mail to them.

FAQ of Samagra ID Yojana, SSSM ID

How to update Samagra ID Profile?

You can do that by going to samagra portal website. There you have to go to समग्र प्रोफाइल अपडेट करें. In that section you will get various links by which you can update SSSM ID, Date of Birth, Name and Gender.

Where can I view Latest Circulars of Samagra ID?

There are multiple ways by which you can view or download latest circulars of samagra. Here we are telling you the easiest way. First go to official website of Samagra ID and click on Circulars link available at top. Now on that page you can view or download all the circulars. Also filter results on the basis of upload date and time.

Where can I read more about benefits of Samagra Portal?

We recommend you to go through this article first. Here we have covered each part in detail whether it’s samagra portal or sssm id. But if you still want to dig deeper then go to Samagra Portal link. Here you will get to know about समग्र पोर्टल , समग्र क्या है? and समग्र के उददे्श्य

How to Recover Samagra ID Password?

Incase if you have forgotten or lost your password then don’t worry at all. As there is a way through which you can recover it in few seconds. First of all go to Samagra Login page and then scroll down and click on Password Recovery link. Now on new page do enter username and mobile number which is registered with SSSM ID and click on Request PIN button. Further details will be sent to your mobile number reagrding recovery of Samagra Password.

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