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Parivarik Labh Yojana: Apply Online, Application Form

Parivarik Labh Yojana is started in Uttar Pradesh under the government of Yogi Adityanath.

Through Parivarik scheme UP government aims to provide financial assistance to those familes who are struggling and head of their family is no more.

If multiple people are earning in a family then they can’t apply for Parivarik Labh even if head is deceased. Basically it’s only for those where only head of the family was employed but now he died because of any reason.

Parivarik Labh Yojana
Parivarik Labh Yojana

Parivarik Labh Yojana

Complete details will be provided to apply online and submit form of this parivarik scheme. Sum of Rs. 30,000 will be given by UP Government to such eligible families. Social Welfare Department is monitoring everything related to it and promoting it among common people through creative campaigns.

As of now this scheme is doing good and garnering lots of registrations from the masses. Before writing this article we did lot of research on the topic and packed it in most simplistic way possible.

Do read till the very end to absorb every bit of it and clear all your doubts. Parivarik Labh is only made for Uttar Pradesh citizens, anyone living in UP of other state can’t do registration of it.

Both urban and rural families can apply for it on online portal. Earlier the amount was Rs. 20,000 but after seeing huge rise in inflation the government revised the amount to Rs. 30,000.

If you don’t have bank account then please go to nearest branch and open it. Without bank account you can’t receive the benefit from state government. Also be very careful while entering bank details in online form as it will create issues when entered incorrect details.

Parivarik Labh – Overview

Name of YojanaParivarik Labh Yojana
Launched byYogi Adityanath, Uttar Pradesh Government
BeneficiaryUttar Pradesh Citizens
Managed BySocial Welfare Department
Purpose of SchemeOn the death of the head of the family, Rs. 30000 financial assistance is provided to the family
Official Websitehttp://nfbs.upsdc.gov.in

In day-to-day life we all know the value of money. In a country like india there are so many families where head is the only earning member.

In such cases if that head dies because of any reason that can be natural or accidental death then family will have to struggle a lot. You can’t survive single day without money. To support such unprivileged citizens of Uttar Pradesh government has started Parivar Labh scheme. Eligible families will get Rs. 30,000 as financial aid. Though it’s not very big amount but it will surely help a lot in hard times.

Parivarik Labh Benefits

  • Financial help of Rs. 30,000 will be given to poor families from government where head is no more
  • If there is no other member earning money and head is dead then such families are eligible for the scheme
  • It will bring sigh of relief and help those who are in dire need of money
  • Because of internet and digital things now beneficiaries will get the amount easily and quickly within 45 days of registration
  • This scheme is going on from long time and amount is also increased. Earlier the financial aid was of Rs. 20,000 which is increased to Rs. 30,000
  • To eradicate corruption, amount will be deposited directly to the bank account of family member

Parivarik Labh Yojana Requirements

If you want to do registration for Parivarik Labh yojana to get financial aid then for that first read eligibility criteria. Check if you meet each criterion or not. Don’t fill registration form if you don’t satisfy the eligibility criteria designed by UP Government.

  • One who apply for the scheme must be native of Uttar Pradesh
  • After death of head of family there should be no earning member in family
  • Family which is trying to get the financial aid should be below poverty line
  • The annual income of the applicant’s family in urban areas should not exceed Rs 56,000, n rural areas should not exceed Rs 46000
  • If head dies at the age of 18 – 60 year only then family can apply for Parivarik Labh scheme
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Document Required

Below is the list of documents that you have to submit if applying for Parivarik Labh scheme. In case if you don’t have these documents then try to get one, only then apply for parivarik scheme.

  • Aadhaar card
  • Address Proof Document
  • Death Certificate of head of family
  • Income Certificate
  • Bank Passbook
  • Aadhaar card of deceased
  • Identity Proof of deceased
  • Passport photos

Terms and Conditions

  • Registration Form should be filled only in English Language. If you don’t know English then take help of someone or go to the nearest cyber cafe
  • In the form only give details of national banks for smooth and proper functioning
  • Cooperative banks are strictly not allowed
  • For age certificate kindly go to tehsil as only tehsil issued certificate is accepted
  • Fill form very carefully as you are the one who is responsible for any incorrect entry
  • It’s must to upload all the documents on website while applying for it
  • Size of photo, signature should not exceed 20 kb and only jpeg files are accepted

Apply for Parivarik Labh Yojana

By now we have covered all the basic details and rules to follow of Parivarik Labh scheme. Now the question popping in your mind is how can I register for this scheme? Right? Without any further delay let’s learn how to apply for Parivarik Yojana. We request you to follow all the steps given below.

  • First go to official website of Parivarik Labh or follow this link http://nfbs.upsdc.gov.in
  • राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना (नेशनल फैमिली बेनिफिट स्कीम) will appear on your device
  • On your screen you will get to see various links
  • You just have to click on नया पंजीकरण 
Parivarik Labh Registration
  • Parivarik Labh Form will appear on your screen
  • There you have to give few details about yourself
  • Choose your janpad and select urban or rural
  • Then enter name, Father name, Type of document and so on
Registration Form
  • Once these details are filled, do enter complete bank details so that you can get money easily
  • After that, upload all documents as asked in form and give all the details of deceased
  • In the end enter image captcha and check all the entries filled by you
  • If there is any mistake, do change it and click on Submit button
  • Don’t forget to tick on मैं प्रमाणित करता / करती हूँ at the bottom
  • After that confirmation page will be generated on your web browser
  • Take print out of that page and submit it to the social welfare department within 3 days
  • Also don’t forget to get receipt from the department

SDM & Social Welfare Login on Parivarik Labh

This login is not for general public. It’s designed only for SDM and Other Social Welfare Officers. Through this portal they can take actions easily and analyze the performance on the basis of data generated.

  • Choose your position for which you want to do login
  • Then select your Jila and enter password
  • After that bypass image captcha, reload image if there is any issue
  • Click on Login button available at bottom
  • That’s how officers can access their account on Parivarik Labh website

Check Parivarik Labh Application Status

If you already registered for the scheme and submitted the confirmation page in department, then follow this section. After applying, you must be waiting for approval. There is a facility which is provided on Parivarik portal to check your application status. For that, you must have Account No. or Registration No.

Application Status
  • You will be redirected to a fresh page where choose your district
  • Then enter Account number or Register Number
  • Once all the details are filled, click on Search button
  • Finally your application status will come up on portal
  • In case if you don’t have account no or register no then contact welfare department and ask for one
Application Status Screenshot

Solution for Pending Parivarik Labh Application

Though the department is working day and night to complete all their on time. But sometime because of overload situation goes out of hand and things get delayed. In such case people get stuck and wonders what to do next. If your application status is in pending from 4 to 5 months then immediately contact समाज कल्याण विभाग अधिकारी. He will surely help you out and tell exact time when pending state will change. Also ask for reason that why it’s in pending from so many days.

Check District wise List of Beneficiaries

If anyone is interested in checking the complete list of beneficiaries and other details then they can do that easily. Through the portal you will also get lot of other information like Registration Number, Name of deceased and Form submission date. You can also check if your name is in the beneficiary list or not.

  • On next page tehsil will come of that district
  • Choose your tehsil and click on it
  • Then click on your block and select panchayat
  • No. of Applications for which Bill Generated will appear
  • Click on it and names of all the beneficiaries will appear with complete details
  • Look at top of the page, you will see Download to excel button
  • Use that button to download complete list in excel format

Download Government Order (शासनादेश)

  • To download government orders for parivarik labh scheme go to official website
  • Now on homepage click on first link which is शासनादेश
  • When you click on link it will redirect you to PDF File
  • Download PDF File and Go through the government order as it contain important information related to scheme
  • This is the correct way to download Government Order PDF

Contact Details of Parivarik Labh Staff

No matter how much simple process is or how things have changed because of internet. Problems are still there and one can’t ignore them. We must know how to address the issues and reply quickly to citizens, only then we can call it successful. If you don’t have robust management then surely it will fail. In this section you will learn how to contact officials in case issue occurs.

Address and Phone Number:

समाज कल्याण विभाग,उत्तर प्रदेश
पता : कल्याण भवन प्राग नारायण रोड, लखनऊ – 226001 (उत्तर प्रदेश)
ईमेल :director[dot]swd[at]dirsamajkalyan[dot]in


Download Important guidelines for filling the application form

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